To keep your earnings in sync with increases in prices is becoming progressively difficult. Most individuals – whether employed or self-employed – would find it unrealistic to secure pay rises (if employed) or price increases (if in business) unless the demand for their goods or services was high. If most taxpayers cannot match price increases…
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Change to capital gains on separation or divorce
Under present legislation any transfer of assets between couples who are separating, or divorcing are free of any Capital Gains Tax (CGT) liability as long as the assets are transferred during the year of separation/divorce. This places undue pressure on couples to complete these transfers in time to qualify for the CGT exemption. Based on…
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UK proposes digital deal to support Ukraine recovery
Ukraine has been offered a helping hand by the UK Government to rebuild its economy in the wake of the Russian invasion. Talks between the two nations have led to plans to pursue a new digital trade agreement to help Ukrainian businesses trade more effectively with the UK. International Trade Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan met officials…
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