Category Archives: Uncategorised

Did you overclaim the SEISS grant?

A reminder that HMRC have set out detailed guidance for the self-employed who may have over-claimed any of their Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grants. The guidance is reproduced below: You must tell HMRC if, when you made the claim, you were not eligible for the grant. For example: for the first or second grant,…
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Running a limited company

Limited companies are owned by shareholders and managed by directors. Very often, especially in the case of smaller companies, the owners and managers (shareholders and directors) are the same persons. Unfortunately, each has separate roles and responsibilities. For example, as a director of a limited company you must: follow the company’s rules, shown in its…
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Are your Child Benefits under threat?

For some time now, HMRC have had the power to claw back some or all of the Child Benefits you receive if either parent’s income exceeds £50,000. The benefit is recovered by the High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC). This states that if either parent had income over £50,000 and: either partner received Child Benefit,…
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Data Protection obligations

Everyone in business that handles personal data must register for data protection purposes with the Information Commissioners Office. Most business will need to pay an annual fee of £40 or £60 but this can rise to £2,900. Some organisations only pay £40 regardless of their size and turnover. These are: charities and small occupational pension…
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