Monthly Archives: October 2019

Do you need to file a tax return?

The following guidelines are reproduced from the government’s website: You must send a tax return if, in the last tax year (6 April to 5 April), you were: self-employed as a ‘sole trader’ and earned more than £1,000 a partner in a business partnership You will not usually need to send a return if your…
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How Business Owners Should Approach Their Numbers

Money is a tricky topic for a lot of business owners. There’s the matter of how to account for it, how to present it, and of course, how to raise it. Some business' don’t prioritise accounting and financial transparency, while others inflate the importance of fundraising to a disproportionate degree. So, in this day and age where accounting has been Continue Reading
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All is not lost

If your business makes a trading loss its ability to survive the loss will depend on a number of issues. They include: Did your business have sufficient reserves to absorb the loss? If not, are the business owners able to introduce new capital to cover the losses? Or, Are the business bankers willing to step…
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